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Pasteur Jean Renald Maurice a remis sa démission à l’Eglise Adventiste

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Le 2 Septembre 2020 | Port-au-Prince, Haïti | La Rédaction

Dans une lettre ouverte adressée à l’Eglise en date du 26 Aout 2020, le bureau du Secrétariat de la Greater New York Conference a informé ses membres que le pasteur Jean Renald Maurice ne travaille plus pour cette conférence et a remis sa démission depuis le 31 Juillet 2020.

Le Pasteur Jean Renald Maurice, selon la Greater New York Conference dans cette lettre de deux pages avec huit grands points, prêche des « doctrines hérétiques qui ne s’accordent pas aux 28 croyances fondamentales de l’Eglise Adventiste ». « Il n’a pas la permission de diriger une église dans notre conférence ou toute autre conférence. »

Il a été rappelé aux membres d’Eglise, par la Greater New York Conference, qu’il n’est pas encore venu le moment de laisser leurs églises dans les grandes villes. « Quand le moment sera venu, l’église vous donnera les directives… Dieu est la tête de Son église… Lisez votre Bible, écoutez le pasteur de votre église et priez pour les directives de Dieu. »

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Mario Beauliere

he list:

Attached is a partial list of former SDA workers, mostly ordained ministers, who have been fired, pressured to resign, or reassigned voluntarily because they could not conscientiously “believe in Ellen White to some degree or another, or accept her visions as real”. Their refusal to preach extrabiblical church doctrines led to excruciating circumstances and decisions for many who loved their church and wished only to proclaim God’s Word unhindered by human traditions and creeds.

We ask our readers to supply us with any additions or corrections to this list

Albertson, Ivan, Teacher: Central California Conference
Bailey, Mike, Pashr: Oregon Conference
Barren, Grahem, Pastor: New Zealand
Bassch, Eric, Pastor: South Africa
Bassch, Eugene, Colporteur: South Africa
Bean, Harvey and Marlie, Teachers: Oregon Conference
Broad, Ray, Teacher: New Zealand
Broomhaul, Rod, Pastor: North Queensland, Australia
Bruington, Dean, Pastor: Iowa Conference
Campbell, Francis: President South African Union
Cannaday, Ron, Arizona
Cary, Tom, Pastor: South Africa
Chambers, Joe, Pastor : Western Australia
Champaign, Gary, Pastor: Arkansas-Louisiana Conference
Coon, Glenn 111, Pastor: West Virginia – Mt. View Conference
Crandall, Alan, Doctoral Student: Andrews University
De Villiers, Brian, Worker South Africa
Dennis, Travis, Pastor Texas Conference
Dorsey, Ruth, Teacher: Washington Conference
Douglas, Gary, Pastor: West Virginia Mt. View Conference
Edwards, Calvin, Pastor: Missouri Conference
Ernesto Hernandez, CaliforniaAgafonoff, Sergie, Pastor,: Brisbane, Australia
Fahden, Lyall, Pastor: Oregon Conference
Finney, Conrad, Pastor: Oregon Conference
Ford, Desmond, Religion Professor: Australasian Division
Fredericks, Richard, Maryland
Garrison, Gary, Pastor: Central California Conference
Geddes, Charles, Teacher: Colorado Conference
Greenley, Ray, Pastor: Ohio Conference
Harper, John, Pastor: Oregon Conference
Harris, Ed, Pastor: Washington – Upper Columbia Conf.
Helppi, Rauno, Pastor: Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference
Higby, Bob, Pastor: Wisconsin Conference
Higby, Wally, Pastor: Northern California Conference
Honeycutt, Ronald, Pastor: Florida Conference
Hood, Paul, Pastor: Arkansas-Louisiana Conference
Howard, Turner, Pastor: Georgia- Cumberland Conference
Howell, Dan, Teacher: Florida Conference
Huston, Ed, Pastor: Washington Conference
Jenner, Loren, Pastor: South Australia
Johnson, Rick, Teacher: Missouri Conference
Kaikainahaule, Bill, Pastor: Southern California Conference
Kellar, Don, Pastor: Northern California Conference
Kluzit, Victor, Pastor/Lit. Evang.: Texas Conference
Knight, David, Teacher: Colorado Conference
Kress, Michael, Graduate Student: Andrews University
LaBrecque, Alexander, Pastor: West Virginia-Mt. View Conference
Lamp, Herschel, M.D.: St. Helena Hosp. (Calif.)
Lawson, Chris, Teacher: Ontario Conference
Lemon, Duane, Pastor: Southern California Conference
Ludwig, Doug, Pastor: Kansas Conference
Luster, Chuck, Pastor: Arkansas-Louisiana Conference
Maraccini, Rocky, California
Martin, Colin, Pastor: England
Martin, J. Mark
Mason, Noel, Pastor: Oregon Conference
Masters, George, Teacher: Central California Conference
McCauley, Norman, Pastor: Northern New England Conference
McCormack, Kevin, Pastor: Southern California Conference
McHarg, Winston, Pastor: Australia (resigned in advance)
McMurphy, Elmore, College Professor: Pacific Union College
Merrill, Ben, Pastor: Oregon Conference
Moorehead, Doug, Teacher: Florida Conference
Moran, Don, Literature Evangelist: Central California Conference
Newman, Ray, Pastor: New South Wales, Australia
Palmer, Bob, Pastor: Northern California Conference
Pangborn, Tom, Pastor: Oregon Conference
Parkin, Herb, Pastor: Western Australia
Patterson, Mark, Pastor: Northern California Conference
Peck, Clay, Colorado
Peisert, Greg, Pastor : Iowa Conference
Pitman, Hughie, Pastor: Florida Conference
Pobke, Wayne, Pastor: South Australia
Polglase, John, Pastor: Western Australia
Pursley, Mkhael, Pastor: Pennsylvania Conference
Ralph, Kevin, Pastor: Australia
Rapp, Jim, Pastor: Southern California Conference
Ratzlaff, Dale, Pastor: Central California Conference
Rea, Walter, Pastor: Southern California Conference
Rendalen, Aage, Editor: Norway (actually withdrew from church over doctrinal reasons, not fired)
Retief, P.J., Pastor: South Africa
Rollings, Dean, Pastor: Queensland, Australia
Ruppert, Greg, Pastor: Northern California Conference
Saladino, Joe, Pastor: Kansas Conference
Schafer, Gary, Pastor: Oregon Conference
Schuster, Craig, Pastor: Alabama-Mississippi Conference
Sellers, Dennis, Evangelist : Washington – Upper Columbia Conf.
Shumate, Gordon, Pastor: Singapore
Smith, Neville, Pastor: South Australia (Victoria)
Stambaugh, R. Glen: Oregon Conference of SDA
Suessenbach, Heinz, Pastor: Western Australia
Summers, Lloyd, Pastor: Oregon Conference
Swanepoel, Martin, Pastor : South Africa (Transvaal Conf.)
Taylor, Greg, North Carolina
Toews, John, Pastor: Southeastern California Conference
van Rooyen, Smuts, Religion Prof.: Andrews University
Vorhies, Wayne, Pastor: Colorado Conference
Waterhouse, Wayne, Pastor: Texas Conference
Waterworth, David, Pastor: South Australia
Weaver, Bruce, Pastor: Arkansas-Louisiana Conference
Wells, Dan, Pastor: Southeastern California Conference
Willruth, Bart, Doctoral Student: Andrews University
Winger, Nordon, Pastor: Northern California Conference
Zapara, John, Pastor: Northern California Conference


Number of SDA Pastors fired

Alabama -Mississippi


Andrews Uniuerslty


Arkansas -Louisiana


Australia/New Zealand




















Northern New England










South Africa






Upper Columbia




West Virginia

